Montag, 25. Februar 2013

Honey-roasted parsnip soup

Hi guys!

It is monday so I absolutely wanted to make sure to give you a recipe for Meat Free Monday this week. The weather today was really cold so all I wanted for dinner was a plate of hot, steaming, deliciously creamy soup. I remembered a recipe for honey-roasted parsnip soup from a Donna Hay magazine issue I'd seen a while ago and I wanted to try it, so this is what I did for today.

Here's the link to the recipe:

And here's how it looks:

I took the liberty of making a few slight adjustments to the recipe to, in my opinion, enhance the taste. Donna Hay doesn't mention any seasoning other than honey for roasting, sour cream and fried sage leaves to serve, so I added salt and pepper to taste to begin with. I omitted the sour cream to make the soup a little healthier and opted for a few dashes of lemon juice. The reason for this is simple: if you have a rather sweet dish, you are always looking for some kind of acid component to balance the sweetness and punctuate it at the same time. That rule does not apple for baking, but any cooked meal works according to it. 

Other than that, I love this soup as it is luciously creamy and intense in flavour. The perfect comfort food for cold weather outside.

Have fun trying!

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