Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2012

Maple-glazed Chicken

Hi guys!

This week, I've been rather busy, so whenever I had some time for cooking, it had to be fast. As you know by now, I have purchased Donna Hay's book "Fast, fresh, simple" which I love, so I decided to try another recipe from it. It is maple-glazed chicken that I prepared with some polenta as I had run out of basmati rice and snow peas.

The recipe is not available at Donna's website, but as she has been cooking it on her TV show, the channel made it available online:

Here is how mine turned out:

Again, it's a few simple steps:

1) Combine the maple syrup, water, chili flakes, salt and pepper and pour into a non-stick pan
2) Turn the heat to medium and wait until the liquid starts simmering
3) Put in the chicken breast while leaving the heat on medium to high
4) Cook the chicken, about 4 minutes per side depending on thickness

I used instant polenta that cooks in 4 minutes (very handy) and steamed the snow peas for about 4 to 5 minutes. I whipped together maple syrup, walter, chili flakes, salt and pepper and warmed the mixture in a non-stick pan. After it started simmering, I put in the chicken breast to poach. I found it important to keep the heat pretty high so the chicken actually cooks through completely and not just on the outside. A solid 4 minutes per side and my chicken breast was cooked through, but still tender as poaching keeps the juices in the meat. 

The result turned out to be a sweet and hot yet very balanced mix I loved. The recipes needs about 15 minutes to prepare which is perfect for a weeknight dinner.

Have fun cooking and please give me feedback!

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